From a survey done by Corridor Careers, many job seekers reported having a tough time knowing how to find a job that they actually want to do. There are multiple reasons that you may be having a tough time finding a job you love, and here are some of the most common:
- Unsure of what you like to do
- Lack of jobs in your field available
- Haven’t found the right atmosphere
- Lack of motivation
These are just a few. Let’s begin to untangle some of the mysteries surrounding why job seekers have a tough time finding work that they want to do.
Know Yourself
The most important thing when weeding through jobs is knowing yourself, your personality type, and finding job fits based on your personality. This is super helpful in eliminating particular jobs that you are looking at that may seem intriguing but aren’t a good fit for your personality style. Many job listings may say one thing vaguely, when in reality that is going to be a major sticking point of why the job may not be a good fit. This is where doing a thorough investigation during an interview can lead to more clarity.
An Account Manager is a perfect example of a vague job title that means different things to different organizations. Sometimes this position is the same thing as a salesperson or Account Executive. Other times this person works more in a coordination role between business units.
Identifying Interests
Knowing yourself can also mean identifying things and industries that interest you. A couple good ways to do this is to take a look at your book collection, magazines, and bank statement. What have you spent the most money on over the past 3-6 months? Is there a hobby, or certain items that continually show up? This may be a good way to gauge what industries interest you.
You could also be ‘topic’ interested. I love online business, so the topic of making money online is a strong interest point for me. There are a number of different ways I can accomplish this in a job, but this topic has been a theme for me.
Lack of Jobs Available
Do you have a certain skill set that doesn’t have a lot of jobs available in your area? Perhaps you aren’t yet qualified for the jobs that you want. Don’t worry, you aren’t alone in your thought process! Perhaps it’s time to look at some continuing education in the field of interest. When there is a lack of jobs available, you could try to create your own job or look for potential companies who you want to work for and send them your resume. You may want to consider relocation if there is an abundance of job opportunities in your field elsewhere.
If you have repeatedly heard that you aren’t yet qualified for the jobs you seek, it may be worth picking your dream company and starting at the bottom. This will help you find a job you want to do gradually. Getting your foot in the door at a company you could see yourself with for a while will pay off when it comes to promotion. Employers always look to hire from within to start.
Atmosphere of a Job You Want to Do
Where do you see yourself working? In a high-rise downtown? In a small suburban office park? At home or a coffee shop? These factors can weigh heavily on finding a job that gives you energy when you wake up in the morning. If you aren’t working in a spot that sparks interest, creativity, or production, you will likely struggle when you sit down to work. Knowing how to find a job you want to do means understanding the atmosphere where you work best.
Having trouble staying motivated at work? While some people will claim that they just hate work, usually they hate it because they aren’t working in their sweet spot. These people simply have a job they go to each day to make a paycheck. While this isn’t always bad, it can lead to a lack of motivation and production over the long run.
In any job, there will always be certain tasks or projects you aren’t excited about doing. Just because you don’t like a task, doesn’t mean the job might not be the job you actually want to do. Maybe you are a manager who loves working with others and managing projects. While those things give you energy, you have to present monthly reports to your boss which you absolutely dread. Even though you may hate presenting and reporting, it’s a necessary part of doing the job that you really enjoy. Eventually, you will learn to make the best of it and grow your skillset.
The best way to stay motivated is to make a practice of checking in with yourself on a daily basis. At the end of the day, ask:
- What gave me energy today?
- How can I do more of that?
- What am I grateful for?
Now that you’re all motivated, let’s help you find that perfect job. Keep at it!