4 Things To Do Before You Apply for a Job

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According to Gallup, roughly half (51%) of employees are actively looking for a new job or watching for job openings—and there are plenty of jobs to be had in Cedar Rapids and Iowa City. Whether you’re employed and testing the waters or unemployed and looking more actively, here are a few steps you can take before you apply for a job.  Get ready to dive in to your next job search with both feet.

Evaluate Your Career Goals

Are you looking to move up into management, or an executive position? Maybe you want to find a job with greater work-life balance, or a part time side-hustle to earn a little extra money. Evaluating your career goals help you determine which potential employers might be a good fit for you before you send a single email. Identify any potential weaknesses in your application and work to shore them up if possible.

Review The Market

Research the leaders in your industry to see which positions they’re hiring for. Every local job market is different, but this is a quick way to take the pulse of the market on a large scale. Make sure to brush up on best practices for your industry so that you–and your resume–stay sharp through the upcoming interview process.

Take Your Resume into the 21st Century

When you add your most recent work experience, review your resume for any other details you can clean up. Many job seekers overlook a few obvious tweaks: a 12-point sans serif font like Arial or Helvetica will impart a modern sensibility. Save your resume as a PDF to allow recruiters to easily open the file. You don’t have to hand over the keys to your social media accounts, but consider including your LinkedIn profile URL alongside your email address and phone number.

Review Social Media Accounts

Take a few minutes to look over your publicly-available social media accounts. Search your name with Google and Facebook in private browsing or incognito mode. Put your best face forward, including updating your profile images. Remember: if it’s out there, your prospective employer will find it. Managing your social account doesn’t need to be a full time job, but exercising a little discretion early can prevent disaster.

Ready to find a job that’s right for you? Search CorridorCareers.com for full-time or part-time positions in Cedar Rapids, Iowa City and throughout Eastern Iowa.

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