Top 10 industries hiring in Cedar Rapids

relocating to Cedar Rapids - Picture of Skyline, Bridge and River

Downtown Cedar Rapids skyline with First Avenue Bridge and Cedar River in the foreground.

Cedar Rapids is a beautiful place to live and work, with a strong economy and different industries hiring.

  • Healthcare: The healthcare industry is the largest employer in Cedar Rapids and is expected to grow in the coming years. Healthcare jobs, including doctors, nurses, therapists, technicians, and administrative staff, are readily available.
  • Business and financial: The business and financial sectors are also significant employers. Jobs available in this sector include accountants, financial analysts, customer service representatives and sales representatives.
  • Architecture and engineering: Cedar Rapids has several architecture and engineering firms. These firms hire architects, engineers, and drafters for various positions.
  • Computer and mathematical: The computer and mathematical industry is growing in Cedar Rapids. Many jobs are available, including software developers, web developers, data analysts, and cybersecurity analysts.
  • Manufacturing: Cedar Rapids is a major manufacturing center. The city’s manufacturing jobs include assembly line workers, machine operators, and quality control inspectors.
  • Education: The education sector is another major employer. Education jobs include teachers, professors, administrators, and support staff.
  • Transportation and warehousing: The transportation and warehousing industry continues to grow. Jobs include truck drivers, warehouse workers, and logistics coordinators.
  • Retail: The retail industry is a significant employer. Retail jobs include sales associates, cashiers, and managers.
  • Construction: Diverse construction jobs are available, including carpenters, electricians, and plumbers.
  • Food and beverage: Jobs include cooks, servers and bartenders.

Many opportunities are available if you seek a job in Cedar Rapids. With its strong economy and diverse industries, Cedar Rapids is a great place to start your career or make a change.

Tips for finding a job in Cedar Rapids:

  • Network with people in your field. Attend industry events, contact people on LinkedIn, and talk to your friends and family.
  • Search for local jobs online at Corridor Careers.
  • Contact companies directly. Even if a company is not actively hiring, reach out and express your interest.
  • Work with a recruiter. Recruiters can help you find jobs that match your skills and experience.

No matter how you look for a job, tailor your resume and cover letter to each position you apply for. And remember to follow up after your interview.