Iowa City Jobs

Jobs in Iowa City, IA on Corridor Careers
Old Capitol, Iowa City, IA

Looking for Iowa City jobs? Iowa City is a great community on the rise. Often referred to as the 'Austin of Iowa,' Iowa City's culture and dedication to the arts create a beautifully vibrant community for all ages. In fact, it was designated a UNESCO City of Literature. Both Cedar Rapids and Iowa City have experienced growth above the National growth rate.

Full-Time jobs in Iowa City

While The University of Iowa is the area's largest employer, there are many other employers and industries that draw people to Iowa City. Healthcare, Biotech and Scientific roles are trending industries and Iowa City is also home to many startups in those fields. While education-related jobs are most common (with Pearson, ACT and large school districts), manufacturing and distribution jobs are also common job postings found on Corridor Careers. Browse our Iowa City Jobs today.

Part-Time jobs in Iowa City

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